" Love can touch us one time and last for a lifetime "


I just saw Titanic in 3D, oh, it was like I had never seen it before. It is heartbreakingly romantic and earthshakingly beautiful. It brings a tear to my eye every every time. Even though I knew that Jack would go to heaven in the end I wished that a miracle would occur. Jack is perfection. Nothing can stop him from being with his one true love. I've never realized how extrely gorgeous he is, and Rose. Their love is true love. Magnificent. I think I love you Jack. I want my own Jack Dawson. Even thouh I've seen the movie a millon times, it have never been as good as it was now.

För alla er som funderat på att gå och se den men inte bestämt er. Jag bestämmer nu åt er och säger att ni ska se den. Worth it. Sen har jag en fråga till er därute: När Rose ligger i sängen i slutet av filmen och hon träffar Jack igen, tänker ni att hon dör eller att hon drömmer?


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